Understanding the Difference Between Palmitoleic Acid and Palmitic Acid
In 2010, scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and collaborators from other institutions were the first to identify palmitoleic acid, a beneficial monounsaturated fatty acid that can sometimes be mistaken for the potentially harmful saturated palmitic acid. Let's examine the key differences between these two fatty acids, how they can impact our general well-being, and why Omega Wonders’ supplements are the best way to receive the good without the bad.
1. Chemical Structure:
Palmitoleic Acid: Also referred to as Omega-7, palmitoleic acid is a monounsaturated long-chain fatty acid with 16 carbon atoms and one double bond at the 7th carbon position. Its chemical formula is C16:1n7 and can be found in limited natural sources.
Palmitic Acid: Palmitic acid, on the other hand, is a saturated fatty acid with 16 carbon atoms and no double bonds. Its chemical formula is C16:0, and it is the principal constituent of refined palm oil, often listed on packaging as simply 'vegetable oil.' The majority of people do not know that it contains a higher percentage of saturated fats than most other vegetable oils.
2. Dietary Sources:
Palmitoleic Acid: Omega-7 or palmitoleic acid is found in relatively small quantities in certain plant-based sources like sea buckthorn or macadamia nuts. It is, by far, the most prevalent in marine oils derived from menhaden, anchovy, or sardines.
Palmitic Acid: As we discussed above, palmitic acid is abundant in oils such as palm and palm kernel oil. These two oils are known to contain significant amounts of saturated fats that lead to elevated "bad" LDL cholesterol levels.
3. Health Implications:
Palmitoleic Acid (Omega-7): Palmitoleic acid has garnered attention for its variety of health benefits. Studies suggest that Omega-7 may promote heart health by supporting healthy cholesterol levels and promote a healthy metabolism of glucose & insulin, as well as maintain healthy tear production and assist with overall eye health.
Palmitic Acid: Excessive consumption of saturated fats, including palmitic acid, can have negative health implications. High intake of saturated fats is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as congenital heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.
4. Supplements:
In the world of dietary supplements, there are multiple options for products containing Omega-7 such as some made from sea buckthorn berries, macadamia nuts, and marine oils. The Omega-7 products which are made from sea buckthorn berries or macadamia nuts have been shown to contain high amounts of palmitic acid in them and some almost equaling the amount of palmitoleic acid they provide. When this is the case, the palmitic acid completely negates any benefits from the palmitoleic acid which is why Omega Wonders is proud to have Cardia 7 with Provinal®. The only patented, purified Omega 7 product which boasts more than 50% palmitoleic acid and always less than 1% palmitic acid in each dose. Cardia 7, the healthiest way to ensure receiving the best benefits from an Omega-7 supplement.