Got Heart Health? Here’s an alarming statistic: “1 in 4 women in the US die from heart disease.”
The most common form heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which often appears as a heart attack or a stroke.
While many people continue to believe that heart disease is a problem targeting solely older men, it is the #1 killer of both women and men in the United States. The difference is that among men, the risk for heart attack increases steadily after 45 years of age. In women, the risk increases after 50 years of age.
To learn more about it, here is a great “little film about a super mom who takes care of everyone except herself,” starring and directed by Emmy-nominated actress Elizabeth Banks.
Heart ailments which affect women over men include:
- Coronary microvascular disease (MVD) – a difficulty that affects the heart’s miniature arteries
- Broken heart syndrome – extreme mental stress resulting in severe but commonly short term heart muscle failure
The cause? Not just cholesterol and triglycerides, but chronic inflammation; fire in the tissues of your heart, your arteries, your body; caused by our unnatural western diet; resulting in chronic disease and very costly poor health.
Chronic inflammation is like having a fire burning in your body, and nothing feeds inflammation like refined sugar, white flour products, and foods that turn into sugar quickly.
Women of all ages should be concerned about heart disease, and should take action to block it by practicing healthful lifestyle habits: (1) Eating right, (2) getting regular exercise, (3) taking the right supplements, and (4) measuring the results.